Thursday, February 4, 2010

Electronic Cigarettes are taking alot of bullets!!

First off, the first thing we need to do is stop calling the electronic “cigarettes”. When people hear cigarette they think of all the nasty chemicals and everything else associated with tobacco cigarettes. Every company need to call them a “Personal Vaporizer” since thats what it is a vaporizer. Not a nicotine inhaler, since not all people using a “personal vaporizer” use nicotine juice they use 0mg juice. The next thing, these companys out there taking donations so they can do experiment on these PV’s need to get the ball rolling and prove once and for all that they are wayyyy healthier than traditional cigarettes. I mean even if they are JUST as bad as tobacco cigarettes then the FDA/Governments have no right to ban them. IF making a law that no company can make/sell fruity flavors of nicotine juice that would be fine by me and im sure everyone else. If you really want a fruity flavor then go get some LorAnn flavorings and make ur own. Its not that hard to do. The first step to this all is to STOP calling them electronic cigarettes or nicotine inhalers, THEY ARE VAPORIZERS , PERSONAL VAPORIZERS!!!!!!  I do agree tho that there needs to be some kind of regulation on these devises so that just any old joe can make nic juice and sell it and end up overdosing someone. There needs to be guide lines/ regulations for sure. There personal vaporizers are the best thing that ever happen to help people kick  the nasty habit!!!!! And the reason it works so well is cuz you actually blow out something that looks and tastes just like what your use to!!! So keep on Vaping and stay active in the fight to keep them around so everyone has this awesome chance to quit smoking just like all us vapers have!!! DRIP ON!!

                  -Eric aka SpaZZoiD aka koskey06

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